Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Day 10, Saturday, July 30

8 miles Bear Den to Blackburn Trail Center.  Danny "Eeyore" and his wife Tracey arrived at Bear Den at 9:30 a.m..  Danny and I were off hiking in no time as we expected mid afternoon storms.  We finished the last two climbs and descends of the roller coaster and crossed over into WV for one more climb for the day.   The rest of the hike was along the ridge which straddled the WV and VA stateline.  We arrived at Blackburn at around 2:00 p.m. and settled into the hiker cabin before the rains began.  Danny and I had the opportunity to share great conversation with Chris "Trailboss" and Sandy (Care keepers).  Sandy is the current board chair for the ATC.  

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