Sunday, August 20, 2017

Day 44 - Saturday, August 19, 2017

Thistle Hill Shelter to Darmouth College - 14.7 Miles

The rain stopped just prior to 6:00 am as we were preparing to leave camp.   The day's are getting shorter as evident by the low light at 6:00.  The weather is forecasted to be sunny and I'm motivated to reach Hanover.  Today is my last day on the trail for 2017.  As always it comes with a sense of accomplishment,  excitement about seeing Lisa, family and friends.   It also comes with a feeling of disappointment as I say goodbye to the many fellow hikers as they continue on with their thru hikes.   This has been a wonderful trip covering 720 miles over the last 44 days.     When I return in 2018,  I will have 442 Miles to complete the trail with the two hardest state still to come.   

Thanks for all who followed,  supported and encouraged me this year.  Special thanks to all the trail angels who provided me with trail magic and for Lisa who has been my biggest supporter.   

Sugar Maple Trees tapped with tubes to extract the sap to make Maple Syrup

Lisa passes Jack"s Dad and I as we were passing by the interstate on our way to Hanover.

New Hampshire State line

Friday, August 18, 2017

Day 43 - Friday, August 18, 2017

Winturri Shelter to Thistle Hill Shelter - 11.6 Miled

Well the forecast was correct.  It has rained all day with temps in the low 60's.   The only way to stay warm was to hike.   The hike had a few challenges; I fell twice and had to cross a stream up to my knees.  We arrived at the shelter at 12:30 after leaving before 6.  At the shelter we changed to dry clothes and setup camp in the shelter.  I'm currently getting warm in my sleeping bag as I type up today's notes.   

I spoke with Lisa and she is in NJ on her way to NY tonight.   She will be 3.5 hours away from Hanover tonight.   We have 14.7 miles to the Dartmouth campus tomorrow where I will meet Lisa.

Day 42 - Thursday, August 27, 2017

Mountain Meadow Lodge (Killington, VT) to Winturri Shelter - 15.9 miles

Well in less than 48 hours I will be seeing my bride.  I'm excited about seeing her after 44 days on the trail.  She is making the trip up over a three day period from Bristol to Richmond, than to  Albany, NY then to Hanover, NH.   Today was another nice cool Vermont day.  The trail was smooth with a number of short climbs.   We did a steep climb that even required a ladder.  As of tonight,   I'm 26 miles from the New Hampshire state line.   We plan to have a short day tomorrow before going into Hanover on Wednesday.  

The weather forecast tomorrow is rain in the morning and thunderstorms in the afternoon.  Maybe that will change overnight!   

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Day 41 - Wednesday, August 16, 2017

VT 103 to Mountain Meadows Lodge, Killington, VT - 21.7 Miles

Weather was partly cloud but another good day for hiking.   We shuttled back to VT 103 to slackpack back to Killington just under 22 miles away.   The day started later due to the shuttle but it was nice having reduced weight in our packs.  We started at 8:30 and got back around 5:00 pm.  The hike including hiking over Killington Mtn. beside of the ski slopes.  This should be my last long day for this year.   

We passed two  milestones today.  1) The 500 miles to go sign and 2) The 1700 mile mark.'s hard to believe over 1700 miles hiked.  

We are 42.3 miles from Hanover, NH and my stopping point for this year.  Jax's Dad will go on without me after Saturday.   

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Day 40 - Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Little Rock Pond Shelter to VT Route 103 - 12.7 Miles

We reduced the miles to avoid the forecasted rain but it never rained.   We were picked up at 12:45 to go town for lodging.  The plan is to slack pack tomorrow back to Killington.   In Killington the Long Trail separates from the AT when the AT turn east toward New Hampshire.   The goal this afternoon is to relax and get ready for a hard day tomorrow.

View of the Little Rock Pond at 6:00 am

Carins on the Mountaintop

Mountain Meadow Lodge

Day 39 - Monday, August 14, 2017

Manchester Ctr, VT (Green Mtn Hostel) to Little Rock Pond Shelter - 19.7 Miles

Today was a nice cool day, a great hiking day.  We planned a 15 mile day but decided to pickup a few additional miles since rain is forecasted for tomorrow evening.   

Leaving Manchester Ctr we hiked up Bromley Mtn Ski Slope to the summit to a gorgeous view.  There is a ski patrol lodge on top that hikers can sleep in during the summer.

On a side note,  the trail is full of strange connections.  One example, we stopped to talk with a caretaker at one of the shelter to find out she had met "Jax's Dad" in Feb. went his best friend helped her from Mountain Crosding in GA to their home then to the airport.  Tonight I was talking with "Van Man" to find out his wife just purchased a condo in Roswell and he is moving there after the trail. Who knows what will happen tomorrow.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Day 38 - Sunday, August 13, 2017

Stratton Mtn Shelter to Manchester Ctr, VT (Green Mtn Hostel) - 10.7 Miles

Today is my shortest mileage day thus far.   I had Lisa sent my supply box to the Manchester Ctr Post Office a week ago not realizing I would be passing thru on Sunday.   We (Jax's Dad and I) backed down our mileage yesterday to 15 since we weren't in a hurry to get to town.  This morning, we arrived at the road crossing at 10:35 and start trying to get a hitch into town.  It only took a couple of minutes and a Jeep pulled over.  When the couple opened the back of the vehicle there were two AT packs inside.  They saw our surprise over the packs and asked if we knew "Happy" and "Doc" which we both do quiet well.   They were slack packing them to Manchester Ctr..  Apparently,  the lady worked for "Happy" who was the asst. Comptroller for the State of NY before retiring in September.....Small World!!   

Once in town we hit the grocery store (Price Chopper), Rite Aid and the Outfitters before calling for a pickup by the hostel.   At the hostel,  we showered, did laundry, cleared trashed from packs,  dry boots (from the mud) and relaxed.   This has been a nice day!!!

In the morning,  the hostel caretaker will take me to the Post Office at 6:30 to pickup the resupply box.  I will return to hostel sort it out and get ready to be shuttled to the trail.  Only looking at 15 miles for tomorrow.  

Below is a picture of the muddy trails of Vermont "Vermud", beautiful Stratton Pond and the hostel.

Day 37 - Saturday, August 12, 2017

Kid Gore Shelter to Stratton Mtn. Shelter - 15 Miles

Well it rained all night last night and Vermud became real.   The trails were swamps but no falls today.   I mention the falls because that usually happened once or twice per day.  

We got into Stratton Pond and decided to shelter since thunderstorms were in the forecast.  Good thing.... It's storming now as I write this blog.   I case the muddy trail will continue again tomorrow.   

Highlight of the day was climbing the fire tower on Stratton Mtn Summit.   Stratton Mtn is where Benton McCabe had the vision to create a eastern trail now known as the AT.  

Tomorrow we are hiking into Manchester Center, VT for a hostel stay.   It may take two showers to clean all the mud off me.   

Friday, August 11, 2017

Day 36 - Friday, August 11, 2017

Congdon Shelter to Kid Gore Shelter - 18.7 Miles

The forest in VT is thick and views are limited.   I did get a gorgeous view from a firetower on top of Mt. Glastonbury.   We crossed over into the Green Mountains this morning and the climbs were nice and gradual.       Phone signals in VT have not been as good as the other states so far.    

Rain in the forecast for tonight and for tomorrow afternoon.   This should make the trail extremely muddy and slick.   I fall a couple of times a day on average but when everything is wet it only gets worst.  

I'm down to 8 days remaining.   Lisa is planning to pick me up in Hanover, NH next Saturday.  I have a few more long days but I'm getting excited about the end of this year's hike.  It looks like I will complete approx. 720 miles this year.   I have another 121 miles to go.   

Day 35 - Thursday, August 10, 2017

Mt. Greylock Summit to Congdon Shelter (VT) - 20.4 Miles

Finally passed into Vermont middle morning.  This is my last state for 2017.  There are 150 AT miles in VT and at present I have 140 to go  in the next 9 to 10 days.   Weather was once again nice but tomorrow is the last good day for a while.   Rain is expected Saturday and Sunday and most of next week.  

Vermont is living up to it's reputation of roots and mud.  There was alot of mud  and swampy areas on the trail today.  It's not looking like it will improve with the pending rain.  

I should make my initial destination of Manchester Ctr on Sunday.   However,  I plan to push on to the NH line before the end of the week.   

Lisa has been so supportive over last 5 weeks I can't thank her enough.  I'm a luck guy to have her in my life.   

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Day 34 - Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Shamrock Village Inn, Dalton, MA to Bascom Lodge (Mt Greylock Summit) - 17.2 Miles

Weather continues to be nice.  Air is cool and partly sunny.  It was a surprisely easy hike from Dalton to the Summit of Greylock.  A gradual climb from Cheshire, MA.  Today was a pig out day.   "Jax's Dad" and I eat in town before leaving, we eat breakfast #2 in Cheshire at Dunkin Donut, we ate lunch #1 on the way up the mountain.  We ate lunch # 2 at trail magic in the park lot below the summit and had our normal early dinner with homemade ice cream for the lodge.   I estimate I have consumed 4,000 carlories today and I'm still hungry!   Man, I love hiking!!!  Tonight is the last night in MA.  Tomorrow we will cross over into Vermont or "Ver-mud" as the hiker refer to it.    

We are seeing a lot of southbounders now.  All of them are excited to be out of Maine and New Hampshire.   Well it's now 8:00 pm and its only about 20 mins until hiker midnight (dark) and bedtime.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Day 33 - Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Upper Goose Pond Cabin to Shamrock Village Inn (Dalton, MA) - 20.5 Miles

Hiked with "Jack's Dad" again today and we made great time.  We arrived in town around 2:30 pm.   After arriving the fun started,  here is what we did with our afternoon
1) We checked into the hotel, 2) I retrieved my package from the post office 3) I shipped my summer bag back home 4) showered 5) did laundry, 6) got a trail angel to take us to Price Choppers and Dick's sporting goods which is 5 miles down the road.  7) packed supplies 8) Went to dinner and finally a few minute of downtime before bed.   Tomorrow we are heading to Mt. Greylock (highest point in MA).   

Day 32 - Monday, August 7, 2017

South Wilcox Shelter to Upper Goose Pond Cabin - 15.8 Miles

Met up with "Jack's Dad" last night at South Wilcox.   We hiked together to the cabin which was enjoyable.   We left at 6:00 to beat the forecasted afternoon rain.  We arrived at 1:20 and were indoors most of this rainy and cool afternoon.   Tomorrow we are planning a long day to Dalton, MA and have reservations at a motel in town.   

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Day 31 - Sunday, August 6, 2017

Mt. Everett to South Wilcox Shelter - 20.1 Miles

The temperature was cool today much like a fall day.   The low was in the middle 50's and I think it got to 72 degrees this afternoon.  It was a great day for hiking.  The terrain was moderate and the mosquitoes were no issue until mid-afternoon.  I packed out a meatball sub for lunch from the hostel but I received trail magic for lunch which included drinks, hotdogs, chips, fruit and cookies.  I love being able to eat anything and everything.  So I had meatball sub for dinner.   It looks like rain tomorrow after and evening, so I'm getting up early and heading to the Cabin at Upper Goose  Pond for Shelter.  

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Day 30 - Saturday, August 5, 2017

Under Mtn Rd, Salisbury, CT to Mt. Everett Rd,  MA - 13.0 Miles

Woke up this morning to a rainy forecast so I decided to "zero" today and wait for better weather on Sunday.  By 9:00 the rain stopped so I decided to Slack Pack a 13 mile stretch. Slack Packing is hiking with minimum supplies.   I did get wet but it was a fast day of hiking and I returned back to the hostel for the night. Tomorrow I will return back MA to continue north.  Enjoyed a couple of nights in a bed, with shower and laundry.  

Friday, August 4, 2017

Day 29 - Friday, August 4, 2017

Sharon Mtn. Campsite to Rt 41 Salisbury, CT - 13.1 Miles

Thunderstorm forecast for afternoon so I got up early to beat the rain.  Plan was to get to town by 1:00 pm.   Will I got to town at 12:40 but the rain started at 11:30.   In a hostel this evening for a shower, laundry, food and good night's rest.   

Day 28 - Thursday, August 3, 2017

Mt. Algo Shelter to Sharon Mtn Campsite - 19.7 Miles

Felt better after the rain shorted day.   The morning was foggy but the hike was pleasant. I pushed a couple of extra miles to get closer to town and hostel stop on Friday.   

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Day 27 - Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Wiley Shelter to Mt Algo Shelter - 12.4 Miles

Difficult day yesterday,  suffering from dead legs.  My body was telling me to break my inner clock was wanting to push on.   It was hot and humid most of the day.  Mid afternoon the sky got dark and I started racing to the next Shelter.  I arrived at the shelter less than 5 minutes before the bottom dropped out of the storm and it rained hard for the next 3 hours.  I guess I had my sign to rest.  I was asleep by 6:30 and rested well.  

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Day 26 - Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Storyville, NY to Wiley Shelter - 20.5 Miles

The started with breakfast at the deli.   Then .5 mile walk back to the trail.   Got on trail around 8:30 and arrived at Wingdale at 2:45.  Got a shower and clothing rinsed at the garden center by trail.  Used Uner to get town and receive my package from Lisa with 4 days of food.   After returning to the trail I had a hamburger from a food truck down the street.  At 5:30,  I took off for a place to camp and ended up 5 miles up the trail at the Shelter. (So. Much for the felt good for a couple of hours).   I will cross over early in the  morning - border is 1.5 miles.   NY has been a good state with food, smoother trails and good  climbs.