Weather continues to be nice. Air is cool and partly sunny. It was a surprisely easy hike from Dalton to the Summit of Greylock. A gradual climb from Cheshire, MA. Today was a pig out day. "Jax's Dad" and I eat in town before leaving, we eat breakfast #2 in Cheshire at Dunkin Donut, we ate lunch #1 on the way up the mountain. We ate lunch # 2 at trail magic in the park lot below the summit and had our normal early dinner with homemade ice cream for the lodge. I estimate I have consumed 4,000 carlories today and I'm still hungry! Man, I love hiking!!! Tonight is the last night in MA. Tomorrow we will cross over into Vermont or "Ver-mud" as the hiker refer to it.
We are seeing a lot of southbounders now. All of them are excited to be out of Maine and New Hampshire. Well it's now 8:00 pm and its only about 20 mins until hiker midnight (dark) and bedtime.
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