Friday, July 27, 2018

Day -8 - Friday, July 27, 2018

Pack ready to go at 32.7 lbs.  with 3 liters of water and 5.5 days of food.
Prep Day - Heading to Springer Mtn in the morning.

Plan is to re-hike GA over the next 6 days in preparation for the trip back to the NE on Friday, August 3.   I will be hiking the GA section with my good friend Steve Howell.  Lisa will pick us up on Thursday, August 2 before my flight on Friday.  I'm experiencing a lot of emotion and feeling today as I prepare.  From the normal "Am I ready?" to the thought of being away from Lisa and family so long and finally to the excitement of the adventure ahead.  I will attempt to post daily until I finish but note that I have been told that cell coverage is spotty in NH and ME so the post may not be uploaded everyday. 

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