Monday, August 5, 2019

Day 30 - Monday, August 5, 2019

Katahdin Stream Campgroup to Katahdin Summit - 5.2 Miles

Lisa, Tracey and Danny arrived after Midnight on Saturday Night.  We slept in on Sunday morning, after lunch Danny and I headed to Baxter State Park to our campsite.   We stayed at Nesowadnehunk Field Lean-tos approx. 9 miles north of Katahdin Streams.  Arrived at Campground around 3:00.  Our plan is up early, drive to the trailhead and start around 5:30 am.

Well it was a chilly start this morning.  When we left the campground the car temp was 39.   We got on trail at 6:00.   The mountain was tough but it was a great day.  We arrived at the summit around 11:00.    

Wahoo!!!!   It’s Finished!!!!!

Thanks to all the folks who followed and supported me.

Summit Photo

Friday, August 2, 2019

Friday, August 2, 2019

Millinocket - 0 miles

Note I’m not counting these as zeros in my trail logs as I’m at the end just waiting for my wife and Friends before summitting.

Today was a busy day I hiked a couple miles to the Baxter State Park Headquarters to get reservations in the park for Sunday night.  Danny and I will Summit early on Monday morning.   

Tonight the Tramily with Family all got together for dinner and drinks to celebrate finishing the trail at the Scootic In.  We are having breakfast together at the AT Cafe before everyone hits the road.   We all agreed to do Damascus Trail Day next year for a reunion.

The Tramily with Family

Day 29 - Thursday, August 1, 2019

Abol Campground To Katahdin Streams Ranger Station - 10 miles

What a great decision to push on the Abol Campground last night.  The shower alone was worth it.   I was able to get a cold Ginger Ale and Tums to help settle my stomach.   I had a lite dinner (soup) but in the middle of the night I woke hunger (good sign).   This morning I had a good breakfast before we all headed to Baxter State Park.  The four of us walked the 10 miles in just over 3 hours.  Not that we were anxious to get to the end but the excitement was pushing us along.   For the last few days we have being talking about our experiences, story along the trail, and future plans.   

Tomorrow Snow Cap, Pirate and Highlander will Summit.   We are all meeting in Millnocket for a celebration and to say our goodbyes.   I will Summit on Sunday or Monday depending on when Lisa gets to town.    

I’m currently at the AT Lodge in Millnocket.  

The gang outside of Abol Campground Resturant (me, Snow Cap, Pirate, Highlander)

Day 28 - Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Wadleigh Stream Shelter to Abol Campground - 23.1 Miles

I woke this morning at 4:30 to see how I felt and to have the time to leisurely pack up and to eat breakfast.  I was nauseas but I wanted to try to hike.  I ate two packets of oatmeal which took forever as nothing taste good.   I sipped water all day which helped but had little to eat.  Weather was much nicer today.

Highlander and I  got to Hurd Brook Lean-to at 3:00 but there were no tent sites so we pushed on to Abol Bridge and the campground.  We are officially out of the 100 Mile Wilderness and will be in Baxter State Park in less than .5 miles.  We only have 10 miles tomorrow into the Birches (Lean To for Hikers).  Three of us will go into Millnocket.   All three of the guys I have been hiking with will summit on Friday.  Katahdin is huge!

Katahdin from Abol Bridge

Day 27 - Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Jo Mary Rd to Wadleigh Stream Lean To - 17.8 Miles

Today was hard!   The trail was great but the heat and humidity hit me hard.   I drank plenty but struggled in the afternoon.   I got to camp and set up the screen of tent and crawled in but I was exhausted.   I thought I needed more water so I drank several liters.   As I prepared my dinner I became ill and released a gallon of fluid.   I hope it is only heat related it but there has been some sickness in the Tramily.   Papa Smurf, Bookbag and Seacrunch have been sick.   I saw Seacrunch this morning????
I hope it passes over night as we only have 33 miles to the base of Katahdin.   The plan is to do 20 tomorrow and 13 on Thursday.   I’ve never been sick on trail and with 1.5 days left it happens.   I hope I don’t spread it to others.

Katahdin......we are getting closer!

Day 26 - Monday, July 29, 2019

Sidney Tappen Campground to Jo-Mary Rd - 20.8 Miles

Today we did our last climbs up White Cap and Little Broadmen Mtns.  From the north side of White Cap we had a great view of Katahdin.  It looks so close but in reality we are 70 miles away.   After the climbs the trail flatten out and we were able to make good time.   Highlander and I got to the designated Lean To where White Cap and Pirate were camping around 2:20 so we pushed on to the road where we get our food drop tomorrow morning at 9:00 am..  As of tonight, I only have two oatmeal packets and some caffeinated drink mix left.  

The hundred mile wilderness had been anything but wilderness.   The last two nights we have camped in areas with 25 to 50 youth hiking groups.  The wilderness is full of people.   Today we could hear the loud machine noises of construction or perhaps logging operations.   Tonight, we are camped by a nice stream and road.  A logging road I guess but in the last three hours we have seen at least 20 vehicles.  I guess “Wilderness” is defined loosely here in Maine.   

The weather was hot and humid again today with little to no breeze.   I’m laying in my tent at 6:40 pm uncomfortably hot.   

At the White Cap Mtn Summit

Katahdin in the distances

Day 25 - Sunday, July 28, 2019

Cloud Pond Lean To - Sidney Tappan Campsite - 18.6 Miles

Hot and Humid!   I thought Maine was cool in the summer.  The last couple of days have been Georgia like humidity.   Thunderstorms moved in this afternoon and planned for tonight; hopefully,  these storms will cool the temps.    This morning we hiked over the Chairback Mtn Range which has a series short climbs.   I even got a phone signal on top of Fourth Mtn. and was able to get a quick text off to Lisa.  We had our second river ford.  

Tomorrow we will go over White Cap which is the last mountain range before Katahdin.  Also,  if it is clear, we are supposed to be able to see Katahdin from the Northside of the summit.   Tomorrow we are planning to end at Jo Mary Road which is the location of our food drop on Tuesday morning.   Afternoon descending White Cap the rest of the hike is somewhat flat, with a lot of roots, Mosquitos and black flies.  

Hikers Met:  Honey Bun (sb), Grind (sb), Pocho (sb Yo-yo) he just submitted nb and is headed back to GA.

View from one of the viewpoints

Fourth Mtn Summit

Day 24 - Saturday, July 27, 2019

Monson ME (ME 15) to Cloud Pond Lean To - 19.1 Miles

Felt good today, good food and rest in town on Friday.   Ten of us hiked out together this morning at 8:30 (The 3 below, plus Bookbag, Moss, Starcrunch, Rugs, Granddad and Just Dad) but only four of us ended up together tonight (Pirate, Highlander and Snowcap).  The others stopped several miles back at the previous Lean To.  Since we have a food drop together on Tuesday morning we need to stick together.  The whole group is planning to summit on Friday.   The terrain was fair with some rocks and roots but lots of “Puds” or “Pointless Ups and Downs”.   

Highlander and Pirate at Barren Mtn Overlook

Looking from overlook to the top of Barren Mtn.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Day 23 - Friday, July 26, 2019

Shaw’s Hostel - Monson, ME - 0 Miles

Today is all about prep and rest.  There are four of us hiking as a group for the next three days or at least we are camping in the same location.   We are combining a food drop at the midpoint and we need to be together.  As we made our plans we made two plans.  One aggressive and the other more conservative.   The next three days is the difficult part of the 100 Mile Wilderness afterwards the trail levels out.   I will be hiking with: Highlander, Snow Cap and Pirate.  The general plan is to arrive at the Base of Katahdin on Thursday night.   Three of us will go to AT Lodge in Millinocket.  Snow Cap, Pirate and Highlander will Summit on Friday and I will wait until Monday.


Shaw Hostel,  Monson, ME

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Day 22 - Thursday, July 25, 2019

Bald Mtn Brook Lean-To to Monson, (ME 15) - 22 Miles

Weather was nice again today.  It was chilly this morning but warmed quickly.   Highlander and I left camp at 5:30.  We had an immediate 2 mile climb up to the summit of Moxie Bald for a great view.   After the climb we hiked up and down the Maine countryside for the next 16 miles.   We did have two River fords which cooled us off .   At the end of day we had another long climb as we headed toward the highway.  We got to the highway (ME 15) a little after 3:00 and was at Shaw’s Hiker Hostel by 3:30.   Tomorrow is a “Zero” to rest, resupply, and plan out the 100 mile wilderness (last week on the trail).   My general plan is to leave out on Saturday morning.   I will not have phone service until I get to Millnocket on Thursday.  I plan to wait until Monday, August 5 to summit in hopes that Lisa, Danny and Tracey (my dear friends Richmond, VA) can be here.   Danny is planning to summit with me.

The following NoBo hikers are in Monson planning to start the 100 mile wildernesses on Saturday:   Pirate, Papa Smurf, Highlander, Starcrunch, Moss, and Snowcap.  

Moxie Bald Summit

Highlander fording the Piscataquis River 

Day 21 - Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Pierce Pond Lean To to Bald Mtn Brook Lean To - 18.7 miles

Well the day started with a pancake breakfast at Harrison’s Pierce Pond Cabin.  Which was a 10 min walk from the Lean To.  What an enjoyable start as 8 of us had coffee, a doz. pancakes each and good conversation.  Afterwards 6 of the 8 who were heading northbound took off for the Kennabac River 3.5 miles away to catch the Canoe ferry which started at 9.   We arrived at about 8:45.  It was 9:45 before I made across the river as I was in the fourth group of two to go across.   On the other side we all walked to Caratunk B&B for resupply ( I had a box mailed there) and milkshakes.  Yes, I had a large choc. milkshake before 10:30 am.    After packing away the resupply of food, finishing my milkshake and checking messages via WiFi (no phone signal again today). I headed out to the Bald Mtn Lean To with the others which was about 15 miles away.   I hiked with Highlander today from Leesburg, VA.  We are closer in age and a lot more companiable in hiking speed.  We arrived to the Lean To just after 5 and seven of us are here together.  The 6 others include (Starcrunch, Moss, Papa Smurf, Pirate, White Cap and Highlander).  

The plan is to get up early (4:30 am) and hike to Monson  tomorrow (22 miles).

Paddling across the Kennebac River in a canoe with a white blaze painted in the bottom

I slept on the shore of this beautiful
Pond on Tuesday night.

Day 20 - Tuesday, July 23, 2019

East Flagstaff Rd to Pierce Pond Lean-to -16.3 miles.  

Wow the trail was great today.   Starcrunch, Moss and I left the hostel around 8:00 and got back to the trail at 8:40.   We had two small mountains to go over and the trail leveled out. There were some rocks and roots but the trail was pretty open.  The ponds along the way were so peaceful.

We arrived at the Lean-to at 2:45.     Quick work, we considered going down to the river but the ferry only runs from 9 to 2.  I would have loved to gone to Caratunk B&B but it’s across the river and no easy or cheap way to get there.   The side benefit is there a great breakfast at Harrison’s 1/3 miles from the Lean To.  So pack up in the morning, go to breakfast then head to river (3.9 miles).  I have a resupply package in Caratunk, so I will swing by the B&B pick up the package and hit the trail toward Monson.

Special thanks to Jax’s Dad for providing me all your research of this section.  I have been using it nightly as I plan.

Hikers met:  Turbo (nb) 19 yr old from Alpharetta.    

A beach along one of the ponds.  The water is warm.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Day 19 - Monday, July 22, 2019

Flagstaff Rd to ME 27 - 16.5 miles

Great day!   Weather was cool but clear.   I hiked (slackpacked) the Bigelows Southbound    today.   I ended back at the hostel of Maine for second evening.  I hiked with Starcrest and Moss who are from Hagerstown.  We covered the 16.5 miles in 7.5 hours.  The first time hiking faster than 2.0 miles/hr this year.  Although this was the last big mountain range until Katahdin the trail is getting better, with less rocks and roots.   The views from the Bigelows were gorgeous!   Avery Peak just moved up to my top three views.   Today I will be hiking to get close to Caratunk.  I would like to be at the River tomorrow at 9:00 when the ferry opens.   

Hikers Met: Highlander (nb), Papa Smurf (nb), Hobbitt (nb), sea crest (nb), Moss (nb),  pirate (nb).

From Avery Peak

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Day 18 - Sunday, July 21, 2019

Spaulding Mtn Lean To to ME 27 - 13.5 Miles

Slept well but morning came too early.   Yesterday was a hard day and I was feeling it today.   The temps were high again today with some humidity.  This is not what expected for Maine.   Temps were in the mid 90’s the low last night didn’t get out of the 70’s.  As you see I stopped short of planned destination, I just didn’t have another big climb in me today.

Well I passed the 200 remaining mark and this afternoon I passed the 2,000 mile mark.   Hiked over Spaulding, (Sugarloaf) Cirque and the Crocker’s today.  Tomorrow I will go over the bigelows which is the last 4,000 ft mountain range.   

Milestone this afternoon

Milestone this morning

Day 17 - Saturday, July 20, 2019

Rangley To Spaulding Mtn Lean To - 18.7 Miles

I started the day with 5 days worth of food and a heavy bag.   Today’s hike included the Saddleback, The Horn, Saddleback Jr., Popular Ridge and final the climb up Spaulding to the lean to.   It was hot this afternoon,  I drank 6 liters of water (4 with electrolytes) and I’m still get cramps this evening.  I started at 5:45 and finished at 5:50.  I stopped a Poplar Ridge Shelter for lunch.  The is the last place anyone saw “inchworm” or Geraldine Lagay alive before your 2011 disappearance.  Her remains was found 2 yrs later 2,000 ft from the trail where she had gotten lost after going into the woods to relieve herself.    Over Saddleback Mtn I was above treeline for 3 miles but part of that time the mountain was in the clouds with low visibility.   It was a hard day and tomorrow will also be tough.   I’m going to go pass Stratton so I can stay of trail.    

Hikers I met:  Group of Section hikers from Canada, Hawk (sb) from Asheville he will finish in Gorham in a week, three nb hikers who also started in Rangley but I didn’t catch their trail names.   

Popular Ridge Lean To

One of Four Summits today.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Update - Friday, July 19, 2019

Well this has been a real emotional week.   Lisa’s dad is stable after a very difficult week. He has a long way to go in his recovery.  Your continued prayers are appreciated.  

As for the hike.  I’m currently in route back to the trail.  I drove back to Atlanta last night and flew to Boston first thing this morning.  I’m currently on a Concord bus to Portland, ME.  There I will board another bus to Auburn, ME.  In Auburn,  I will board a different bus and bus line to Farmington, ME. In Farmington, I have scheduled a shuttle back to the “Hiker Hut”.   I will be back on trail first thing on Saturday.   I will need to up my miles to make Katahdin by 8/5 but it is not out of the question yet.

End of Day Recap:
Well it is 8:07 pm and I’m in my bunk at The Hiker Hut.  The day was long (started at 3:30) but went smoothly.  I made all the connections and got to Rangeley a little after 6:00.  I was able to get packed up and ready to go before dark.  Now I’m getting settled for some zzzz’s before a 4:50 alarm.  It is supposed to be 95 here tomorrow and I have some tough climbs with a full pack (heavy).  I’m shooting for 18 miles tomorrow but I’ll see.   

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Day 16 - Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sabbath Pond Shelter to ME 17 Rangley - 9.4 Miles

Got out of camp at 8:00 and was at ME 17 by 12:45. Trail was moderately easy into Rangley.  I had a resupply box in town so I walked to the “Hiker Hut” to get a bunk for the night and a shuttle into town.  I haven’t had a phone signal for the last couple of days. When I got to town to get a phone signal I found a couple of message to call home.   It appears my father in law is doing worst so I’m hitting the pause on my hike.  I have made travel arrangements to travel back tomorrow.  Please pray for Lisa’s Dad.  I plan to return back to the trail as soon as possible.

Day 15 - Saturday, July 13, 2019

South Arm Rd, Andover to Sabbath Pond Shelter - 17 miles

“Man that pack is heavy” were the words out of my mouth after loaded up this morning to return to the trail with my full pack.  It was nice to have had a couple of slackpack days.   I hiked with “Beer” and “Burgers” today.  This is a young (27) married couple hiking the trail together.  Beer was a wrestler in PA and an Eagle Scout so we had a lot to talk about.  The conversation was good which made the day go by quicker but it was a long day of hiking.  We were on trail for 11.5 hours for 17 miles.  In the south this same mileage would take 8.0 hours.   The weather was nice today.  The trail had steep climbs, rocks, roots and mud to deal with today.  We are camped near a beautiful pond tonight.  Tomorrow we will trail to Rangley.   Beer and Burgers are planning to hike on but I need to get a resupply box in town.   

Hikers met today:  Scatted (sb). 

Overlooking one of Maine’s many ponds from ME 17.  

Friday, July 12, 2019

Day 14 - Friday, July 12, 2019

South Arm Rd to East B Rd - 10.1 Miles

Today I hiked (slack-packing) southbound.  The Hostel shuttles hikers for this section.  It was a cool and rainy day.    My achilles felt much better today, so I will ice and massage again tonight.    Because of the weather I had  no views today.   The mountain was covered with moose scat but I could find a moose.  

I really like the Human Nature Hostel.  The owner is a two time survivor on Nake and Afraid.  There are a lot of hikers who zeroed today to avoid the bad weather so I should be hiking out with several people in the morning.

Hikers met:   Scavenger (nb), Mountain Calf (nb), Chips (sb), Drop Bear (sb),  Levi (nb)

Pond near East B Road In Andover, ME but no Moose

Human Nature Hostel 

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Day 13 - Thursday, July 11, 2019

Grafton Notch to East B Road - 10.3 Miles

Well today didn’t go as planned.  Weather and trail was good.   I intended to do 21 miles but at halfway I bailed out.  I made great time to the halfway point but my right Achilles was very tight and really hurting.  So I stopped to be cautionous.   This afternoon I iced and massaged it.  I also cut a couple of cardboard heel lifts to go into my shoes, hopefully that will relieve some of the heel strain.  I will go back out in the morning to do the second half of my original hike.  

Hikers met:  Beers (nb), Burgers (nb), Mtn Leg (sb), Goat (nb), 

Baldpate Peak

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Day 12 - Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Full Goose Shelter to Grafton Notch (ME 26) - 9.7 Miles

Well I made it through the Mahoosuc Notch and Arm with out an issue.   Korky and I hiked together through the Notch which took a little more than an hour but what “fun”.  It a valley of huge boulders and you can go over or under them, there is no path just get through it.   I was able to get through the whole Notch without removing my pack.  The Mahoosuc Arm was a 1600 climb with lots of long granite slabs (just like the one I fell on last year).  The difference was today the rocks were dry and you could move up them without  slipping and sliding.   I finished the hike at 2:30 and got a ride from a friend of Korky’s which I met at the Hostel in Gorham.  He took me to Andover where I got another ride to the Human Nature Hostel.  I got dinner, a shower and clothing washed.  I have a ride back to the trail at 6:30 and plan the slackpack 21 miles tomorrow, which is a huge day in this terrain.  The good news is I have a bailout option at 10.3 miles if it is too bad.  The weather in the afternoon is Rain....on well.  

Hikers I met today: See (nb), Wing (Sb), Wam (sb), Goliath (nb), Aquaman (nb), M&M and his dog Mia (nb)and several others which I cannot remember their names

The Mahoosuc Notch

Day 11 - Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Gentian Pond Shelter to Full Goose Shelter - 9.6 Miles

Another short day,  the plan is to set me up for Mahoosuc Notch (the longest mile on the AT) and the Mahoosuc Arm first thing in the morning.  I’m sitting 1.6 miles from beginning of the Notch.   I hope to have pictures tomorrow.   

I cross over into Maine this morning and said goodbye to New Hampshire.  I have a love/hate relationship with NH.  It starts with the fall last year,  it’s a tough state but very beautiful.   I know ME will have its challenges but it’s a great feeling to know I’m in the last state (13 down and 1 to go).   I’m currently 276.9 miles to the end.   

Hikers I met today: Walbat (sb), Goat (nb), Korky (nb), Levi (nb) Logan (nb) and 3 groups of youth hikers during summer camp.  At least one of the groups were Canadian.   

Maine State Line...Yeah!!!!

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Day 10 - Monday, July 8, 2019

Rattle River Hostel to Gentian Pond Shelter -  11.8 Miles

I left Gorham a little later than normal so I could get a report about Fred (my father in law).  The report was positive so Lisa gave me the “Green Light” to go back into the woods.  I don’t expect to get phone coverage until Wednesday night as I head into Southern Maine.   This is my last evening in NH.  Also, I passed the 1900 miles today.  Tomorrow morning I will cross over into ME (the 14th and final state).  Today, I had beautiful weather and good trails up from Gorham.   My “trail legs” are coming along and I had good energy.    I have a tight Achilles on my right leg but rolled it out and applied KT tape for support.  I hope that reliefs the discomfort.  

My original plan for today was to go another 5 miles to cross into ME but the folks at the hostel said this was a great shelter, with a great view as well as a good chance of seeing a moose in the pond in the evening.   This place definitely is a room with a view.  I arrived here a little before 4:00.   A Good Day!

Hikers I met today:  Dalson (sb), Sunshine(sb), Get out (sb), Logan (nb), Korky (nb) and Levi (nb) which I walked with most of the day.   

View from the Shelter

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Day 9 - Sunday, July 7, 2019

Imp Shelter to Rattle River Hostel - 8 miles

After a rainy Saturday, I woke to a beautiful Sunday morning.  Cool and clear.  I lefted the Shelter at 6:30 to hike up Mt Moriah and then down the mountain. I got back to the hostel at 11am.  I spent the afternoon packing and resting for southern ME.  I should cross the state line on early Wednesday morning.   I could have gone out this afternoon but I’m sitting close to the phone regarding Lisa’s dad.     He is make in ICU.  This is a decision point for me because once I leave Gorham I will be out of touch for 3 days.   Please say a pray for Lisa’s dad.  

From Top of Mt Moriah

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Day 8 - Saturday, June 6, 2019

Pinkham Notch to Imp Shelter -13.1 miles

The weather was good this morning but thunderstorms rolled in during the afternoon.  This section included the Wildcat Mtns, Carter   Dome and the three Carter Mtns, of which 5 of them are over 4,000 ft.  I stopped at the Carter Notch Hut and got a bowl of soup, a sausage patty and a Pastry for lunch.  I met a NOBO named “Goat” for St Louis.  I also started the day hiking with “Footloose” and “Big Bear” from Vernon, NJ but we got separated when we started climbing.   I felt good today but it was slow with the weather.  I stopped below the ridge line on three different occasions to wait out the lightning before going above treeline.  It is frightening being on top of a bald mountain with lightning so I don’t might sitting in the rain to wait it out.  Got to camp at 6:00 and I was soaked and cold.   I’m now in my sleeping bag warming up and ready for sleep.  Tomorrow I go over Mt Moriah and back to Rt 2 in Gotham.  I will be out of New Hampshire in a little over a day.

Storms approaching 

Friday, July 5, 2019

Day 7 - Friday July 5, 2019

Rattle River Hostel - 0 miles

Today was a rest day.   I ate a big breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Soaked my feet, rolled my sore muscles and relaxed.  I planned the rest of my resupply locations and sent info to Lisa.  I also made a small resupply run to Walmart.  I met a nice retired couple from Vernon, NJ (Southbounders).  I noticed she had a horseshoe bracket from St Croix and found out her sister has lived there for 30 yrs in the same town as Trey and Sara.  

Tomorrow I head back on trail to do the “Wildcat Mtns” and  “Carter Dome”.  The  weather isn’t looking good 90% chance of rain/thunderstorms. It was Georgia hot here today at 91 and humid but the rain is supposed to cool it off.  

Happy Birthday CHAZ!!!!  I hope you had a great day.

No pictures today

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Day 6 - Thursday, July 4, 2019

Lake of the clouds hut to Pinkham Notch Visitor Center - 15 miles

 Sleeping in the hut was not a restful night.  Hikers cannot layout bedrolls until dining room shuts down at 9:30.   But because of the 4th the cog train station did a fireworks show below at the bottom of the mountain so the dining room was busy until 10:00 watching the show from above.   I was asleep by 10:30 up at 5:15 and on trail by 6:10.   Hiked with “Papercut” and “Stitcher”.  We were on top of Mt Washington by 7:00 got our pictures and off by 7:30.   The rest of the day was hiking above treeline over the “Presidential Range”.  The toughest mountain was Mt Madison which is extremely rocky (big rocks).   The climb down was also difficult.  Knees and ankles took a pounding today.   I decided this afternoon that I would take a “zero” tomorrow to get ready for the final section in New Hampshire the “Wildcats Mountains”.   

Mt Washington Summit

Taking in the views “Beautiful Mountain Range”

Day 5 - Wednesday July 3, 2019

Ethan Pond Hut to Lake of the Clouds Hut - 14 Miles

Up early and out of camp so I could make it to Lake of the Clouds around 4:00.   The first 3 miles was easy downhill to US 302 but then the “fun” started.   The road is at 1266 ft of evelation and the Lake of Cloud hut is 5012.   Miles 4-6 was extremely difficult up to the Webster Cliffs.   The flies and mosquitoes have been really bad but I have a secret weapon (thanks Andy).   I met several hikers today but hiked with Paper-cut and Shedder most of the day.  It is so much more enjoyable to hike with others.   Good day we arrived at 4:30 and registered to do a work for same.  Well I didn’t get the work for stay so it cost me $10 to stay on the dining room floor.  It’s warm and has a bathroom so I’m ok with the floor.

The “Tramily” telling stories at Lake of the Clouds

Beautiful Sunset 

Day 4 - Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Garfield Shelter to Ethan Pond Shelter - 14.5 Miles

The weather was nice today.  The views were incredible although I was only above treeline for a few minutes.   This place has some difficult hiking but the views are worth it.   I sleep well last night turned in at 7:30 and up at 6:00.   My legs felt better, maybe the extra sleep is working.   I ate at 2 huts today; one for leftover breakfast and coffee and the other at 2:00 pm for soup and a pastry.  This is definitely helping me keep my calorie count up.  The huts provide this to hikers doing greater than 200 miles of the trail.  The day started with  a difficult climb down a water fall and one tough climb.  In the late afternoon the rocks reduced significantly so I was able to complete the last 5 miles in a couple of hours.   I did get to talk to Lisa this morning anticipating no phone signal tonight (which I don’t have).  I walked by myself most of the day,  I sure miss Jax’s Dad.   

Tomorrow I want to get going earlier so I can make it to Lake of the Clouds hut (just below Mt Washington) before end of day.  

The early morning climb down the stream

Gorgeous Views

Day 3 - Monday, July 1, 2019

Franconia Notch to Garfield Shelter - 10.3 miles

The White Mountains are no joke.   The day started with a 3000 foot climb to Liberty Springs before climbing another 1000 to get above treeline.   Was above treeline for several miles.  I climbing down from Mt Lafayette before going back up Mt  Garfield.   The miles tell me it was a easy day, my body tells another story.   Great views!!!!

The ridge behind me is what I covered today


Hiking above treeline

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Day 2 - Sunday, June 30, 2019

Kinsman Notch to Franconia Notch - 16.3 miles

Yeah!  I had last year’s day 2 on my mind all day.  If you don’t had was the day of my fall which ended my hike.   I had plenty of opportunities for a repeat today but it was a good despite the weather.    It rained all day with two large thunderstorms.   The trail was a stream and because it has rained so much lately many of the walk boards are under water.   I had to ford several high streams.   Even without the weather this section of trail is tough.  At times, the trail required all fours to climb the huge boulders going up to south kinsman peak.   Today was one of the most physical hikes I’ve ever done.   During the second thunderstorm I stopped in to see my first hut.   These are like “The Hike Inn” in Georgia but there are many of them in the White Mtn.  I saw a total of 5 people today so the trail was definitely not crowded.   

Tomorrow I head out on trail and may not have phone service.  My next town stop is the evening of July 4th.   Happy Independence Day!   

Trail runs beside the stream

Picture don’t capture just how rocky it was today.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Day 1 - Saturday, June 29, 2019

Kinsman Notch to Glencliff NH Hwy 25 - 9.3 Miles. 

Short day over Mt Moosilauke today at 9.3 miles.   Started at 8 and completed around 1:15.   The weather was rainy and visibility on the ridge was poor.   The climb going up the Northside was rocky and steep but I felt good. I reached the Shelter (1.5 miles) in 1hr and 10 mins.  With less than a mile to go I got turned around at a road crossing.  I spend 40 minutes hiking around before reconnecting with the correct trail before completeing the section.  My walk app on my phone reads 14.6 miles so I did get some extra exercise today.    I met man and son hiking today.   Dad’s trail name is  Mozzie Mike and he has a YouTube channel. . Check it out.   

Mt Moosilauke 4802’

Friday, June 28, 2019

Day - 3,-2,-1 - June 26,27 and 28, 2019

Final Prep and Travel - Ready to Go!

Wednesday was a day of final checks and equipment decisions.  The biggest being footwear and sleeping bag.   I decided to continue in trail runners vs boots.   I also decided to take winter vs summer bag.   

Thursday was a difficult day as my father in law was not feeling well and we delaying our drive to Richmond waiting on test results and a call from his doctor.  At 2:00 pm we decided to leave for Richmond and at 5:30 we learned they were putting him in the hospital.   Please pray for Fred and a quick recovery.   We arrived at our good friends’ (Danny and Tracey) house around 7:30.

Friday - We had an early start this morning (5:00 am).  Lisa took me to the RIC airport before starting her 5 hour drive back to Bristol to see her dad.  I had a 7:20 flight to LGA then  on to BOS.   6:40 p.m.....  Well it’s been a long day and I still have a couple of hours to Lincoln, NH.  Lisa reported that her dad is doing a little better this evening.   All is set, I will head to the trail in the morning.   

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Day -4 - Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Jenning’s Visitor Ctr to Atkins, VA.  
- 12 Miles

Well the warmup hike is complete with 74 miles under my belt.  I hiked with another section hiker “Apple Jack” today and made great time.  He lives in the Bristol and maybe a good hiking partner when we are in the area.   We stopped by Lindamood Settlers Museum to see the 1800’s school house (see punishment list below).

My feet and legs are doing well.  I only have one sore toe.  I will use tomorrow as a final equipment prep day and Thursday is a travel day to Richmond.  My flight is early Friday morning and I’m back on the trail on Saturday in NH.  I getting excited to get the Last Section started.   

View from Glade Mtn 

Punishment List at Lindamood 

Monday, June 24, 2019

Day -5 - Monday, June 24, 2019

Dickey Gap to Pat Jenning’s Visitor Center 14.1 miles

Thank you Danny Seamster “Eeyore” for driving from Richmond to hike with me this morning.  Great Fun!  Weather was nice for a change.  We got started this morning around 8:45 from Dickey’s Gap with a plan to reach VA 670 (S Fork Holston River) by 1:00.  This was so Eeyore and Tracey (wife) could drive back to Richmond this evening for work tomorrow.  Well we seriously miscalculated the time needed to walk this section.  We arrived before 11:30 with no phone signal to let our wives know we were early so we took a long lunch.   I got back on trail at 1:40 with 7.8 miles remaining.  I finished strong at 4:15. Lisa was there to pick me up and shuttle a couple of hikers (Summit and AppleJack) to downtown Marion.   Met several hikers today including three three families.   It was a Good Day!

“Eeyore” as we hiked through a cow pasture.

Day -6 - Sunday, June 23, 2019

Wise shelter to Dickey Gap - 16 Miles

Restful night at Wise Shelter just as it started getting dark it started raining and temps dropped for a comfortable sleep.  I left camp at 7:20 with a goal of being at Dickey Gap by 3:00.  The morning weather was fog on the mountain tops as I hiked over several bald knolls with horses and/or cattle.  The afternoon provided some much welcome sun.  I saw Comer Creek Falls just before reaching the parking lot.   Today was all about building endurance.  I arrived at 1:52 will no long breaks.  Tried but satisfied with a good walk.

Comer’s Creek Falls

Oh my gosh....our friends from Richmond just pulled into the parking lot to pick me up.  Danny is going to hike with me tomorrow.  That is what I call wonderful “Trail Magic”.

Day -7 - Saturday, June 22, 2019

VA 601 to Wise Shelter. - 15.1 miles

Thanks to Lisa for shuttle me back to the trail.  Got back on trail approx. 9:45.   The first 1.5 hours was a climb up Whitetop Mtn.  I came out of the woods as it was beginning to rain at the parking lot of Lewis Fork Wilderness.  I sit under the information sign and had a quiet lunch.  After lunch I starting climbing again up Mt Rogers (Virginia’s highest point).   It rained most of the afternoon.  At the top I stopped at Thomas Knob Shelter and spoke with the ridge runner (Gazelle) who Thur hiked in 2018 before hiking the last 5.5 miles to Wise Shelter.  The rain stopped and sun came out between Thomas Knob and Wise Shelter. So I was able to get dry before getting to the shelter.  Today’s hike had a lot of rocks, roots and water.   I rock hopped all afternoon.   I only had one near fall but all is fine.   Legs are doing well but I still need to get the endurance up.   Legs began feeling tried around mile 12 today.  I did meet a couple of guys at the shelter so I didn’t have to eat dinner alone.  Well it is Hiker Midnight so that’s it for tonight.  On to Troutdale in the morning.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Day -8 - Friday, June 21, 2019

Damascus to VA 601 Beech Mtn Rd.  17.3 Miles

Lisa dropped me off in Damascus at 9:30 am..   Today’s hike gave me 5,000 ft of climbs which is exactly what I needed to start working on my “Trail Legs”.   Hike was comfortable this morning with fresh legs but in the afternoon I was feeling the miles.    I made a mid day decision to have Lisa pick me up this evening to avoid forecasted thunderstorms and severe weather which are to start early Saturday morning.   If the severe weather is over in the morning I will get back on trail at VA 601.   I should sleep well tonight.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Pre Hike - June 19, 2019

Plans are set for a 2nd Attempt at Last Section

My plans are set for returning to the trail this year.   On Friday, June 21 I will start my buildup Hike.  I will start in Damascus, VA heading north on the AT.   I plan to hike for 5 to 6 days up to Atkins, VA.   On Thursday, June 27 I will begin my travels back to NH.   My plan is to travel to Lincoln, NH and restart on the trail on Saturday., June 29.   Assuming all goes well I should reach Katahdin early August.   I will use tomorrow for final prep.