Thursday, July 4, 2019

Day 4 - Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Garfield Shelter to Ethan Pond Shelter - 14.5 Miles

The weather was nice today.  The views were incredible although I was only above treeline for a few minutes.   This place has some difficult hiking but the views are worth it.   I sleep well last night turned in at 7:30 and up at 6:00.   My legs felt better, maybe the extra sleep is working.   I ate at 2 huts today; one for leftover breakfast and coffee and the other at 2:00 pm for soup and a pastry.  This is definitely helping me keep my calorie count up.  The huts provide this to hikers doing greater than 200 miles of the trail.  The day started with  a difficult climb down a water fall and one tough climb.  In the late afternoon the rocks reduced significantly so I was able to complete the last 5 miles in a couple of hours.   I did get to talk to Lisa this morning anticipating no phone signal tonight (which I don’t have).  I walked by myself most of the day,  I sure miss Jax’s Dad.   

Tomorrow I want to get going earlier so I can make it to Lake of the Clouds hut (just below Mt Washington) before end of day.  

The early morning climb down the stream

Gorgeous Views

1 comment:

  1. Well hello, Relentless!
    Scamper & I just realized that you are back on the trial/trial. Congratulations. In my reading I did not see any mention of high-end hiking boots - vice shoes - to protect your ankles/legs. :)
    We are pulling for you to complete your hike safely.
