Shaw Hostel, Monson, ME
Garfield Shelter to Ethan Pond Shelter - 14.5 Miles
The weather was nice today. The views were incredible although I was only above treeline for a few minutes. This place has some difficult hiking but the views are worth it. I sleep well last night turned in at 7:30 and up at 6:00. My legs felt better, maybe the extra sleep is working. I ate at 2 huts today; one for leftover breakfast and coffee and the other at 2:00 pm for soup and a pastry. This is definitely helping me keep my calorie count up. The huts provide this to hikers doing greater than 200 miles of the trail. The day started with a difficult climb down a water fall and one tough climb. In the late afternoon the rocks reduced significantly so I was able to complete the last 5 miles in a couple of hours. I did get to talk to Lisa this morning anticipating no phone signal tonight (which I don’t have). I walked by myself most of the day, I sure miss Jax’s Dad.
Tomorrow I want to get going earlier so I can make it to Lake of the Clouds hut (just below Mt Washington) before end of day.
The early morning climb down the stream
Gorgeous Views
Franconia Notch to Garfield Shelter - 10.3 miles
The White Mountains are no joke. The day started with a 3000 foot climb to Liberty Springs before climbing another 1000 to get above treeline. Was above treeline for several miles. I climbing down from Mt Lafayette before going back up Mt Garfield. The miles tell me it was a easy day, my body tells another story. Great views!!!!
The ridge behind me is what I covered today
Hiking above treeline