Monday, August 20, 2018

Post Hike - August 20, 2018

Doctor Visit Notes - Done for 2018

Visited the doctor this morning and I’m scheduled for surgery on Thursday morning.  The bone is not exactly in position so surgery will re-break, cleanup and place (with screws) back into proper position.   Healing time is estimated to be 8 weeks after surgery.   My hike is official done for 2018.   Making plans now for a return to the trail in 2019.   Thanks to everyone for your support this year.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Day 5 - Wednesday, August 8, 2018

No Mileage - 398 to Go; BAD NEWS

The doctor visit....

The doctor looked at the foot, pushed and pulled and said “don’t worry we will have you back on the trail.”  He started explaining the type of splint he would use but said let’s get a quick X-ray just in case.   He returned after the X-ray to show me a hair crack on the inside of the leg.  He put pressure on the spot asking if it hurt which it didn’t.  He stated it could be an old injury and reassured me we would still do the splint and get me back on the trail.   He left the room and a few minutes later he came back and his demeanor had changed.  He asked me to follow him (walking by the way) to X-ray machine to show me an X-ray on the screen of a broken leg.   Yep I hiked 20 miles on a broken leg.  The doctor was super nice and empathetic of the hand I was dealt.  The question now would be if I needed pins or just a cast.  No pins needed but temporary cast today and regular cast tomorrow at 3:00.  My final section of the AT is on HOLD.  I will finish but after I’m healed.   I want to thank everyone for the supportive messages and prayers.  They have mean a lot to me.  



Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Day 4 - Tuesday, August 7, 2018

No Mileage - Hikers Welcome

Got into hostel yesterday and started RICE on the ankle.   Woke the morning to find it still swollen.   Have continued Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation all day.   Still swollen but feeling better.  Going to clinic tomorrow.   Will know soon if I can salvage the trip.   If there is any concession; It is storming hard now and it would dangerous to be on a ridge line.  

There is normally an ankle here

Monday, August 6, 2018

Day 3 - Monday, August 6, 2018

Hexacube Shelter to Hikers Welcome Hostel - 15 Miles 

Slept well, tried to keep my foot evaluated.   Foot sore this morning but felt better as the day progressed.   Hiked Mt Cube first thing and there is nothing I like better for breakfast than a “rock scramble”.   It was fun even with the sore ankle.   On top,  I had a chance to call Lisa.   There was a road every 5 Miles today so I had options to stop if needed but I was able to get back on Plan and make the hostel.  Hostel stays are the best.  Shower, Laundry, Town Food and a bed indoors.   My ankle is still swollen and it looks much worse then it feels but I’m going to re-evaluate tomorrow’s plan in the morning.

Summit at Mount Cube

Overview the White Mountains

Day 2 - Sunday, August 5, 2018

Trapper John Shelter (camp) to Hexacube Shelter.  - 12 Miles 

The weather was sunny and warm but the day was problematic for me.   I left Shelter at 7:00 but legs were dead.  I had a big climb in front of me up Smart Mtn the trail is full of rocks, roots and water.   Near the top of I slipped and rolled my ankle.   I put compression tape on it at the summit that was 7 miles into the day.  I decided to cut my day short but still needed to hike 5 miles off the mountain and 1/2 way up the next.  It took 4 hours to hike those five miles and I fell three more times.  I thought I was going to beat “Jax’s Dad” record day of seven falls.  The worst fall was into mud that went up to my thigh and snapped both my hiking poles in half.   After reaching the shelter, eating and doing my nightly chores I took ibuprofen, retaped and elevated my ache. Good news I have some alternates tomorrow.  My goal is 15 miles into Glencliff but there are two road crossings before that if needed.  I pray the ankle will be ok to hike on in the morning.   Finally, I had called Lisa on my way to the shelter but I had no signal to follow up once arriving.  Sorry if I made your worry.   

Swollen Ankle

Broken Poles

Day 1 - Saturday, August 4, 2018

Hanover, NH to Trapper John Shelter - 16.4 Miles

The Airbnb host offered me a ride to my starting point if I was ready to go by 5:45 am.   Not knowing how I would perform today I decided to take her up on her offer.   It was really about 6:20 when she actually dropped me off and it was raining hard.  I was soaked before getting out of town.   I did see a deer early in a field by the trail.  The forest is much different than Georgia.  There is little vegetation on the forest floor.  There were a lot of slick areas this morning.  I only fell once in an area where the trail was more of small stream.  There were no views on Moose Mtn but by 1:30 the rain had stopped and the sun was start to peek through the clouds.  The last climb took me to a view point called “the ledges” and it was a great way to end the day.  I arrived to the shelter around 3:30, much earlier than I wanted but I stuck to the Plan and didn’t try to do more miles. I want to continue to slowly built my daily miles.  I met several northbound Thru hikes including Handyman, Mose, Dipples and Bluegrass and 3 southbounds.  I hiked with Handyman for a couple of hours this morning before he pushed on to make a fire tower 24 miles away.  I had lunch with Mose and Dipples.  Mose was from east TN and was previously the assistant DA for Sullivan County, TN.   I thought I going to be at the shelter by myself tonight but a southbound arrived around 6:30.   Well I have some additional planning for tomorrow before “hiker midnight” so I will end the post here. 

Rainy streets of Hanover

View from “ The Ledges”

Friday, August 3, 2018

Day -1 - Friday, August 3, 2018

No Miles - Travel Day

Early morning for a 6:30 flight from ATL to Boston.  Quick Uber ride over to the bus terminal and a 3 hr bus ride to Hanover.  Picked up a canister of gas at Zimmerman’s, then over to Ramundo’s for a free slice of pizza.     Then a call and a pickup by the owners of the Air BnB I am staying at tonight.  We had a wonderful chat.  I’m glad I stayed here.  Thanks everyone for the text and cards of encouragement I have received this week.  It provides a great boost to me amidst my nervousness of starting back so close to the White Mtns.   I will be able to determine if my nervousness is warranted or not in about three days.   My plan is to follow “Jax’s Dad” plans from last year to start (thanks to his detail notes).  Well the alarm is set for 5:15 so I need to get sleep.  

Day -2 - Thursday, August 2, 2018

No Miles - Final Prep Day

Today I made another visit to the foot doctor and I’m ready to go.   I spent the day checking and drying gear.   I also did a few small task around the house before taking off in the morning.   I’m excited, nervous and sad.   It’s hard to be away for 5 to 6 weeks.   Seth, Trey and Sara came to dinner to see me off.   As for Sara, she is leaving for a new job in the Virgin Islands in September (Trey will follow later).  It could be several months before I see her again.  I’m going to miss them all.   Packed and ready to go.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Day -3 - Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Deep Gap Shelter to Dick’s Creek Gap 3.4 Miles

Georgia AT training hike came to an end this morning.   Dick’s Creek Gap is the last road access before NC.  My hiking companion and great friend Spills (Steve) picked me up this morning.  The early morning hike was in a heavy rain but I did see 5 wild boars on the trail halfway down the mountain.  I have some packing, a trip back to REI and logistics work to complete before my flight on Friday morning.

Day -4 - Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Blue Mtn Shelter to Deep Gap Shelter -15.5 Miles

Unfortunately Spills left me this morning at Unicoi Gap to take care of his neck pain.  I immedimately had two big climbs.  The trails were in great condition today,  It rain most of the morning and started storming this evening, I reached the shelter before it got bad,  This afternoon I saw a large deer and a baby bear.  The cub was near the trail went I first saw it but it shot up a tree and started crying for Mom.   I stood there for a couple of minutes looking for mom but went she didn’t appear I started hiking. I also met my Thru hiker this afternoon, his trail name is “Popeyes” .  He lives in the DC area and is flip/flopping from Harper’s Ferry to Springer and then Katakin to Harper’s Ferry.  He starts in Maine on August 20 so we should meet again on the trail in Maine.   Unfortunately no photos today because my I-phone does work unless my skin  is dry and that never happened today.