Early morning for a 6:30 flight from ATL to Boston. Quick Uber ride over to the bus terminal and a 3 hr bus ride to Hanover. Picked up a canister of gas at Zimmerman’s, then over to Ramundo’s for a free slice of pizza. Then a call and a pickup by the owners of the Air BnB I am staying at tonight. We had a wonderful chat. I’m glad I stayed here. Thanks everyone for the text and cards of encouragement I have received this week. It provides a great boost to me amidst my nervousness of starting back so close to the White Mtns. I will be able to determine if my nervousness is warranted or not in about three days. My plan is to follow “Jax’s Dad” plans from last year to start (thanks to his detail notes). Well the alarm is set for 5:15 so I need to get sleep.
Miss you already. Praying for a safe hike. Hope you have a great time and cant wait for the next 5 1/2 weeks until I see you again. Love you and good luck. Lisa