Monday, August 6, 2018

Day 2 - Sunday, August 5, 2018

Trapper John Shelter (camp) to Hexacube Shelter.  - 12 Miles 

The weather was sunny and warm but the day was problematic for me.   I left Shelter at 7:00 but legs were dead.  I had a big climb in front of me up Smart Mtn the trail is full of rocks, roots and water.   Near the top of I slipped and rolled my ankle.   I put compression tape on it at the summit that was 7 miles into the day.  I decided to cut my day short but still needed to hike 5 miles off the mountain and 1/2 way up the next.  It took 4 hours to hike those five miles and I fell three more times.  I thought I was going to beat “Jax’s Dad” record day of seven falls.  The worst fall was into mud that went up to my thigh and snapped both my hiking poles in half.   After reaching the shelter, eating and doing my nightly chores I took ibuprofen, retaped and elevated my ache. Good news I have some alternates tomorrow.  My goal is 15 miles into Glencliff but there are two road crossings before that if needed.  I pray the ankle will be ok to hike on in the morning.   Finally, I had called Lisa on my way to the shelter but I had no signal to follow up once arriving.  Sorry if I made your worry.   

Swollen Ankle

Broken Poles

1 comment:

  1. Relentless,
    I was delighted to see your posts - two in one day – although perhaps not as delighted as your Bride. The second one sure was posted in the very early morning. For the record, it is quite OK to press on with your well-earned trail name, but I would caution you not to attempt to set records for distance, fall-count, injury and equipment damage all in one day. Pace yourself, time is on your side! The good news, I would gather from your now slightly adjusted schedule, is that you may be putting yourself in an improved window to miss the swarm of flies in your next/final state. Don’t let the stick issue hold you back. I met a hiker in VA last year who was going to splurge and buy his first sticks in Roanoke. He has been using a heavy pole since Georgia. So – grab a stick or two tonight and whittle then into form & function! The trail will provide.
    Keep smiling; the mile count is decreasing even if the crow-fly miles may deceive you occasionally.
