Friday, May 13, 2016

Day 8, Friday, May 13

After a planned pick up at 2:00, I got two phone calls saying he would be earlier. Not enough warning for me to get there so he had to wait about 30 min on me. I picked him up off of VA 52 which runs beside of I-77 in Bland VA. It was an easy day of 13 miles and fairly level terrain and nice weather.

  Only one hotel in the area so after his favorite lunch of Subway and talking to a couple of his fellow hikers we headed to Wytheville to a hotel.  The tent got packed up wet so we hung it on the fence at the hotel to dry. We then sprayed it with water repellent that I just happen to have in the supply box. So hopefully it will hold up in the next rain storm. He was able to get a shower, soak his feet, and a nap. We then headed out to do a little laundry and have dinner and then turn in for an early night.

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