Sunday, April 5, 2015

Day 10, Franklin NC

Day 10, Saturday April 4, 2015
Started off in Franklin NC and got a ride back to Winding Star gap. They hiked from mile 109-125, which was a 16 mile day. They stayed at the Cold spring shelter.

Little update on Rylee. After I picked her up on Wednesday, I took her straight to Bristol to the vet.  She was a sick puppy and looked like a little old lady.  She could hardly move. She had urine test, blood test, xRays, IV. And still nothing conclusive. But all signs, except the blood test, point to Lyme disease. But no, not from the AT as she had not been on it long enough to get infected there. She had a couple of ticks a few months ago. Who knew those little buggers were out there in the winter. But whether she has it or not, she responded well to the antibiotics and steroids.  She is recovering more every day and getting back to her old self. Hopefully she will be able to go for a "long walk" after Seth gets out of the Smokies.

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