Monday, April 20, 2015

Day 26

Day 26, Monday, April 20, 2015

Awoke to a nice morning, looking as though there would be a break in the clouds. Just as they packed up the skies opened again. Thankfully after about an hour, the day seemed to be off to a better start than the last two and the rain stopped. Sixteen miles took them to the Nolichucky River and into Erwin, TN. Bruce's long walk, for the time being, was over. After a soft drink and ice cream, mamaw and Poppy pulled up to take them to a nice warm, clean resting place. Cramming Rylee and three packs in the back of Poppy's car they start off to Bristol. Crafty got to experience mamaw's home cooking of ribs, potatoes, cabbage, green beans, and more. Drying sleeping bags and tents, washing clothes, showering, and repacking was among the activities for the evening. I forgot to ask if Rylee got a bath. I know she was muddy. I do know she got a nice long nap on the grass in the sun on her back. A clean warm comfortable bed at mamaw and Poppy's, for everyone,  home sweet home.
They are really living the life of Rylee!

Thank you mom and dad for taking care of my boys. You will never know how much and I and they appreciate you picking them up, feeding, and cleaning them up. Me especially, I know Bruce will smell a lot better when he gets home tomorrow.

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